Monday, November 16, 2009

New visiting rules for L&D?? Even more reason to have your baby at home!

With the big bad swine flu going around many if not all hospitals have imposed new rules on visitors that also extend to L&D and post-partum units. Now I can completely get the rules for others in the hospital as they are sick, that is what hospitals are for, sick people. BUT birth IS NOT AN ILLNESS! But they are still limiting mothers to only 1 or 2 (if they are lucky) people. Some hospitals are even going as far as saying only these same 1 or 2 people for your entire stay! No children allowed at all, in many cases this includes siblings. I find this just wrong. If a mom chooses to birth in a hospital she should go in knowing that it could be 24 hours to a week before she sees her children again! Talk about helping to nurture a new growing family. And what kind of start is this rule going to do to young children? Possibly resentment that the new baby already is taking mommy away? Who knows, depends on the child and their age. I know my kids could bearly go 12 hours without seeing me when I had my last baby, and there is no way any of them could have gone a whole week! Don't get me wrong I can totally see saying no children who are not siblings and so on but not letting family and siblings in to see mom is pretty extreme! This is just one more reason ladies to have your babies at home. Why go to a hospital where there is already so many things you can catch, MRSA, resistant infections and now the flu and possibly swine flu. Stay home, where you are already used to your germs and so will your baby. Your house is going to be cleaner and safer then the hospital for your baby! And YOU can choose who you let see and touch your baby, cause we all know that not all docs and nurses are all that great at washing their hands as much as they should.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ohhh scarey H1N1

The Swine Flu is a big story in the news for the last several months. Big scary stories about people dying, sick and in the hospital. And in turn there is now this wonderful new vaccine (Gag note sarcasm) to keep people from getting it. I for one am not buying into this whole pandemic crap. Yes just as the seasonal flu there will be people who get it, get sick and even die. Pushing this new vaccine through the FDA is NOT the answer. Big Pharma got tons of money( AND no liability for anyone injured or killed from this vaccine) to make this vaccine, I wonder will it be anything like the 70's when the vaccine ended up killing more people then the actual swine flu did? I think so and I think things are going to get a lot worse with vaccine related stuff as more and more people, kids and pregnant women are vaccinated. I wonder how many babies are going to be born with birth defects or even dead because they are giving this vaccine to pregnant women when they haven't done any real studies on dangers. How many children and adults are going to die or suffer injury or illness from this vaccine before they stop! There are already several states where the vaccine is MANDATORY meaning that if you don't take your child in to get this shot, then you, the parent could go to jail and/or lose custody of your children! This is down right insanity! Since when is it OK for the government to tell us we have to be injected with poison or inject our children with this poison or lose them! I for one have been exposed to the swine flu and believe that my whole family had a mild case of it, so for us why in the hell would I get this for myself or my family! Most people have already been exposed, or had a mild case and not even know. Their bodies have built up anti-bodies already so this shot will do nothing for them except pump them up full of toxins. But that doesn't matter to the government! They want to make sure that they get their money back they shelled out for this vaccine. Not only that how are they really going to know who has it and who doesn't since the CDC stopped verifying all suspected cases of the swine flu. I am at this point even more disgusted with the US. If it ever gets to a point where all states require the vaccine regardless of religious or physological exemption then I will no longer be a US citizen. I will not stand back anymore and allow the government tell me how to raise my children and force me to shot them up with toxic shots.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are we really as free as we think?

So I have been rolling around the idea for this entry for some time. Thinking about how free we really are. And saying to myself wow, how free we ARE NOT. Birth,vaxing,breastfeeding,home schooling, choosing whether or not to take your kids to the doctor are all examples of how we really are not free.
Birth: Many places you can not birth where you want. Many states still have legislation against home birth midwives and birth centers. If your in the hospital you don't have any say in YOUR own care. You get a blanket consent form to sign(and most women don't even know that's what they are signing) that gives them the "right" to do and give you anything since they already have your consent they don't really have to tell you. If you don't play the good patient and go along with what they want you to do then here comes the bullying and scare tactics. If that doesn't work then they can even go as far as involving DHS, having your kids taken away and getting a court order to FORCE you to do what THEY want. Here is a link to mom who LOST HER BABY due to not consenting to an UNNEEDED c/section. She ended up having baby, vaginally with no complications and healthy mom AND BABY, and she still lost her child. Where then is her FREEDOM to CHOOSE her own care???
Vaxing: There are very few states where parents can opt out of vaxing their kids and still have them in school. There are many states where unless there is a medical contraindication. So in order for your kids to go to school they HAVE to basically be poisened again the parents wishes. How then are you FREE to CHOOSE how to care for your child?
Breastfeeding: There are still states where breastfeeding in public is still not protected. Moms getting arrested, harassed and embarrassed for feeding their child!
Home schooling: More and more parents are choosing to home school their children and I for one do not blame them. If I could do it I would in a heart beat. With the way school are I would rather teach them myself. For those who can and do teach their kids there is always the unsupervised DHS/DYFC/CPS what ever they are called that can swoop in and getcha for home schooling, saying your kids are not meeting the so called standard. I have heard many home schooling moms talk about how they keep very in detail diaries about everything they do so they they will have evidence to back them up in case DHS gets bored and comes after them.Again are we really FREE to CHOOSE what and how our kids learn, Nope.
Doctors and medical care for your kids: Now this one is a little more grey area kind of. I personally have fallen victim to DHS for not taking my kids in for well baby/child checks. All of my kids are healthy and when sick or when its NEEDED my kids are seen by a doctor. But I got dinged for not taking them in for their check ups???WHAT!! There is no LAW that requires it and its against what I believe so again how am I FREE to CHOOSE when to take them in. Another story that has been in the news OK since when does a JUDGE(if in fact it is a real judge and not what I got called a Referee) to decide what a person wants or what a family has decided as what is best for them. At 13 years old in any state he would be old enough to choose what parent he wanted to live with, get condoms or BC(if her were a she), choose to have baby ect but now he is too young to make up his OWN mind about chemo? I know even at my age chemo scares the crap outta me and I probably wouldn't want to do it either but they can FORCE him to?
I do not hate the US, far from it. I just think they are getting further and further away from where we should be. They don't feel they have to right to tell a women what to do with her body when it comes to whether or not they can choose to have an abortion but THEY can choose FOR US how we birth and raise them?? So much for smaller government, all I see is it getting bigger and bigger. Giving away all the power to DHS and striping parents constitutional rights away. Ripping families apart. Man I hope Obama gets his shit together on this one.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'll sign yours if you sign mine.

If your a VBAC mom or someone who has tried for a VBAC you know that almost all providers have a oh so (not so) nice consent that they make you sign. And for the most part all the ones I have seen/read pretty much say that you are a bad mom and list on and on all these risks to VBACing (most of which are completely not true or risks are inaccurate) and non that come with a repeat c/section. This consent was brought to my attention and I think it is BRILLIANT!!! And just for shit and grins will be having my next CP sign it if I decide to have anymore kids.

"I, the undersigned physician, have, in violation of the Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, the Patient Self Determination Act, the ethical guidelines of the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Constitutional Law (the right to privacy and self determination protected by the 1st and 14th amendments), international tort law, and case law (of particular interest "In re A.C.", 1987, "In re Fetus Brown, 689 N.E.2d 397, 400 (Ill. App. Ct. 1997)", and "In re Baby Boy Doe, 632 N.E.2d 326 (Ill. App. Ct. 1994)") and the Patient Rights as determined by this institution, deprived my client,________________, of her right to self determination and her right to bodily integrity by ignoring her repeated refusal for delivery by repeat cesarean section. I acknowledge that by refusing to honor my client's denial of consent, I have not only violated the above laws, but I also affirm that I have used unwarranted and unethical pressure including emotional threats to my client's and her unborn child's life and safety, in my attempts to obtain such consent. I further affirm that I have stressed the risks of vaginal birth after cesarean, but neglected to inform my patient of the risks of delivery by repeat cesarean section. I further affirm that I understand, that should I resort to physical force, including but not limited to physical or chemical restraints to compel my client's cooperation, I will be guilty of criminal battery, which is defined as "any form of non-consensual touching or treatment that occurs in a medical setting". In compensation for the above violations of my client's rights, I hereby guarantee the following:a healthy baby, born in perfect condition, with no physical, mental or developmental defecits whatsoever, whether arising from surgery or any other cause no complications for the infant, including but not limited to: persistent pulmonary hypertension, transient tachypnea of the newborn, respiratory distress syndrome, iatrogenic prematurity, lacerations, or hematomaa speedy, uncomplicated post-operative recovery for my client. Specifically, I guarantee that my client shall not experience nerve damage, organ damage, hemorrhage (whether sufficient to require transfusion or not), disability or disfigurement, intraoperative or postoperative infection of the wound or surrounding skin and tissues, post partum depression and post partum post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other conditions not listed here. Signed,_____________________"

Baby bled to death after circumcision, inquest told

So many people are reading this and asking, what are the real odds that a child will bleed to death from a circumcision? Well I don't know what the odds are but there has to be some risk as with any surgery that can be a risk. Hemorrage, infection and wound healing problems are pretty much risk with ANY kind of surgical procedure. Why would you put this kind of risk on your baby for something that is COSMETIC is beyond me..........

Windsor A nine-week-old baby boy bled to death hours after being
circumcised, an inquest was told. Celian Noumbiwe was operated on in 2007 at a doctor’s surgery in Reading but later his parents opened his nappy and found a “huge amount” of blood.

Recording a narrative verdict, the Berkshire Coroner
criticised the lack of advice given to the couple on
postoperative care, noting that the emergency number given to them did not work. After the surgery, Carole Youmby and her partner, Monthe Bautrel, originally from France, were encouraged to leave the surgery with the baby within ten minutes when he should have been observed for longer, the court was told. Ms Youmby said that she had been told that the child’s nappy should not be changed for four hours. After calling the emergency number several times, the couple decided to call their GP in the morning. The next day, February 22, 2007, the child was taken from his home in Slough to the nearby Wexham Park Hospital where he died in his mother’s arms.