Thursday, April 29, 2010

Legally protecting doctors who lie to their patients?

So the state of Oklahoma is trying to pass a bill (HB 2656) that would legally protect a doctor that withholds or lies to a mother about the condition of her unborn baby, if he thinks it will prevent her from obtaining an abortion. And all I can say is WOW! Since when is it ever ok for a doctor to LIE to their patient, let alone taking away her RIGHT to make her own medical choices. Now I know that abortion is a very hot button topic but I am sorry, it is NEVER ethical for a doctor to LIE to their patient. Now, I will admit that I am not for abortion, I don't believe in it, I don't personally feel that it is right, BUT just because I may not agree with it does NOT give me the right to take the choice away from someone else! People of OK, you need to stand up and tell your politicians that you will NOT allow the law to cover the asses of doctors who want to lie to their patients.

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